Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Swimming Pool fun

On Friday night, my dad took Dave and I out for dinner for our birthdays, and afterwards, we went back to his house to swim. Hannah starts school on Wednesday, so this was the last weekend of swimming for the year. I wanted to get a few diving board photos before the summer ended, so I made sure to bring my camera.

Hannah and Dawson are like night and day when it comes to swimming. Dawson has been a fish ever since the first time we took him into a swimming pool when he was 1 year old. From that day forward, he has looked forward to every opportunity he has to swim, and makes sure to let you know every chance he can.

We used one of those floating bathing suits the first 2 years, and last year, we started using just the floaties, and he loves them. He was jumping in the pool on his own at 2, and off the diving board at 3. This kid loves water.

Hannah on the other hand, is just now at 11 learning to enjoy the swimming pool.

When she was 1, I bought her one of those floating bathing suits, and she hated it. She climbed on my shoulders to get as far away from the water as she could. We tried for years to teach her to swim, or at the very least come off of the steps in the shallow end of the pool, but she refused to even try. Finally, over the last couple of years, she has learned how to go under water, while holding her nose, and this year, she actually learned to swim. She also amazed me by jumping off the diving board numerous times last night. We had a tough time getting her out of the pool this time!

Hannah's grandma bought her a pool pass the our city pool, and she has gone several times this year with her friends, so that may have helped. Although, I honestly think she was going for a different purpose, and his name is (can't tell you, or she'll be very upset), but that's another story. Whatever the reason, I am very happy that she has learned to love swimming as much as her brother does.

Enjoy the photos! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! I didn't realize your dad had a pool. Maybe future family functions should be at his house in the summer so we can go swimming!!!!