Wow, it's been awhile since I posted. I've been so busy this past week, I just couldn't find the time, or the quiet, to sit down and concentrate.

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about our not so little puppy Jake, and his chewing problems. Well, he struck again, and almost became a pound puppy again. Apparently, Jake missed the memo on what a complete fanatic Dave is for the Nebraska Huskers. That, or he just doesn't care. Either way, it doesn't matter.
Dave and I have had the discussion time and time again that you can not leave anything that might make a good chew toy at eye level of the dog. That means regular eye level, or standing on his hind legs eye level. I guess he thought I was being ridiculous, and not learning from his past mistakes, he left his beloved Nebraska Huskers hat on the coffee table. The result is a Nebraska Huskers hat, with free A/C. I told him you could barely notice, but for some reason, he didn't buy it.
Poor Jake. He ended up spending a couple of hours in his pet taxi, and was a hop, skip, and a jump away from a car ride to the pound.
Now, one would think that after losing 2 hats Dave would have learned his lesson, right? Wrong. Over the weekend, Dave left his leather boots laying in the middle of the laundry room floor. He always puts his boots up, and out of reach of the dog, but for some reason, he neglected to do it this afternoon. The result is one funny looking boot, that he wouldn't let me take a picture of, but I will take one while he's sleeping. He's still wearing the boots, but part of the back is missing on one of them. I tell you, there is never a lack of humor in our house.

1 comment:
Looks like Dave has a lawn mowing hat now! :)
Poor poor Dave.
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