Monday, September 8, 2008

God has truly blessed our family...

I am so happy to announce that I have a job! I have been trying to get on with the school district for a couple of years now, and it finally happened! I am a para-professional, and I will be working with special needs children in the elementary school that Hannah attended here in Augusta. I had my TB test and physical today, and should start next Monday. I am so excited!! This is such a blessing for us, as the hours are perfect. I will be working 8-2:55 M,W,F, and 8-2:15 T,Th. This will give me 5 minutes to get to Dawson's pre-school on M,W,F to pick him up by 3, and will allow me to be at home on T & Th, so that Dave can get to work on time. As many of you know, my college major was elementary education, and I have about 40 credit hours left to complete it. I am planning on going back to school once Dawson starts kindergarten next year.
I also rented a small space at our local antique's mall, so we can have an extra outlet for all of our auction finds. I have so many glass pieces, that I just don't have the time to list them all on Ebay. Besides, Ebay isn't the best place to sell anything these days. It is only $27.50 per month for the space, so it is incredibly reasonable. And most importantly, it gives me a new excuse to go to an auction every weekend. :)
I am also going to keep my business going, I'm just going to scale the advertising back a bit. Since I will be working a school schedule, I will need to have some sort of income coming in over the holiday, and summer vacations, so hopefully, these avenues will work out. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll try and call you some evening this week and we chat.